Making Money in a Work-at-home Business Opportunity Unites International Entrepreneurs
Released on = February 10, 2007, 4:15 pm
Press Release Author = David M. Bresnahan
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = A work-at-home automated online business that works like a vending machine on the Internet is attracting International entrepreneurs from around the world, who put aside politics and are working in harmony.
Press Release Body = Spring, TX -- A work-at-home business offered by TrafficWave is attracting entrepreneurs from many countries who are uniting together in a marketing group calling themselves the "Freedom Team."
People from more than a dozen countries have put aside politics and are working together in harmony as they work towards the common goal of business success.
This network marketing business opportunity can be started for less than $18, and then runs by itself. It functions like an automated vending machine on the Internet, so for many it is an ideal business opportunity.
TrafficWave offers an auto-responder, which is an online software program used by web site owners to automatically send information by E-mail to web site visitors. The program also sends follow-up messages that can help turn prospects into customers.
There are millions of web site owners who can benefit from the use of an auto-responder to capture names and E-mail addresses of prospects. TrafficWave provides a quality product for a very competitive price, which makes this an excellent business for people who want to market on the Internet.
\"All I have to do to run my business is check my E-mail each day. The web site automatically notifies me each time I make a sale. The program does all the work. It is just like a vending machine. People visit the web site and make a purchase without any involvement on my part,\" said Musa Madi or Jordan.
TrafficWave uses network marketing, or multi-level marketing (MLM). When Madi makes a sale online, others in the marketing team receive a commission for the sale as well.
\"The use of network marketing unites us in a team of people who are happy to help each other, simply because we all profit from the effort,\" said Juan Angel Ugarte from Mexico.
The group offers a free report entitled \"Monthly Income from an Automated Vending Machine\" that details the business. It is sent by E-mail through the use of an auto-responder at The "Freedom Team" receive free advertising that brings customers who make purchases without any involvement of the web site owner. The arrangement makes this an ideal business for anyone who lacks business and Internet experience, and limited financial resources.
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Contact Details = David M. Bresnahan 603-522-0148
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